Sunday, November 6, 2011

Working Outside

Look mom, I picked up a whole tree!!!

Oooo a rolly polly

The boys cleaned the truck, and daddy cleaned Ben!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Batman Ben

Super Buddies

The crew

Aunt Trixie Visits

Ben take Aunt Trixie for a ride on his "bike"

It is never too cold for ice cream mom!

Thanks Aunt Trish for coming to visit!

Duck Tour

Ben & Doug took a Duck Tour in a boat that drove on land and on water!

Pumpkin Patch

Ben looking over the field of pumpkins.

Maddie did not like the bugs on the pumpkins!

Top of the hill!

Fun with buddies

Joseph and Gavin came over to play!

Fall Fun

Soccer team

Fun in a ball!